Meeting Information

December 2019 Updates: Schedule, Slack and Session proposals

The top six most popular topics from our Topics Survey. 

  1. Search Engine Optimization for Content Creators 
  2. Performance Testing for Website Owners and Developers 
  3. How to create a Landing/Front Page w/ Block Editor 
  4. Using migration and Cloning tools for WordPress sites 
  5. Using Google Search Console to check on search keywords and content creation
  6. Create Blocks with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and other tools

On Nov 20, our group of co-organizers met and planned the next few months of events. Below you’ll find a preliminary schedule for Naples and Ft. Myers evening events. We’ll update as soon as we have dates and topics for the Ft. Myers evening as well.


TopicNaplesFt. Myers
January 2020January 16, 2020
Search Engine Optimization
Date: TBD
How to create a Landing/Front Page w/ Block Editor
February 2020Feb, 20,  2020
Performance Testing 
Date: TBD
Using migration and Cloning tools for WordPress sites 
March 2020Cancelled
April 2020April 16,2020
How to create a Landing/Front Page w/ Block Editor w/ Guy Cicinelli
Date: TBD
Search Engine Optimization
May 2020May 21, 2020
Using migration and Cloning tools for WordPress sites 
w/ Anne Katzeff
Date: TBD Business Roundtable
Project Mgmt and/or systems 
June 2020June 18, 2020
Google Search Console / Birgit Pauli-Haack

July 2020July, 16 2020
Create Blocks with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and other tools

August 2020August 20, 2020
Voice Search and Home Audio Devices with Chip Edwards

Some other numbers from the Survey: 

  • 41 % of respondents are able to visit Naples events vs 58% located in Lee County. 
  • 54% of respondents prefer evening meetings, the other 46% are evenly distributed among Morning, Afternoon or Midday. 
  • The two top choices were: Slack Group with 37.6 % of the votes, and  Closed Facebook Group with 25%. 
  • The Survey also confirmed, what we were suspecting: is not the medium of choice for most people. It only collected 20% of the votes. 

WordPress SWFL is now on Slack

Ani Carlson created a Slack workspace for our WordPress SWFL meetup and you are all invited to join us there. We would adopt the WordPress Forums guidelines also for our Slack space. TL:DR: Be helpful, be kind, don’t spam, no self-promotion, and don’t be a jerk. 

Beyond that, we can adjust as we go along using this Slack channels. 

Our Meetup group of co-organizers are also the administrators of the Slack group.

If you want to join us click here and follow the instructions on screen.  First it will ask you for an email address and then click on “Verify”. 

If you want to share the link with your friends: use

Suggest a Topic / Speaker Submission

A few people asked about if there is a place to submit suggestions for talks and here is the answer: Yes, fill out this form  or send in a full session proposal 

Happy Holidays!

By Birgit Pauli-Haack

web & mobile developer for biz + nonprofits in Naples, Florida. WordPress Meetup SWFL organizer, Netsquared organizer, #nptech, photographer.
Owner Pauli Systems, Naples , FL & co-founder NPTechProjects - Improving Nonprofit Impact through Technology
Birgit is also a deputy on the WordPress Global Community Team

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